Russia is arming terrorists: Russian-made modern weapons found on Hezbollah militants' positions

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 12:15

In recent years, there has been much evidence that Russia directly supports terrorist organisations, including Hezbollah, Hamas and the Taliban, to destabilise the Middle East.

So far, everything was limited to information from intelligence agencies of various countries, but now there is real evidence.

Here's What We Know

During a military operation in southern Lebanon, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) captured positions of Hezbollah fighters and found various Russian-made weapons. Moreover, there were not Kalashnikov assault rifles, which can be found in any country in the world, but rather modern weapons:
missiles 9M131FM (thermobaric) and 9M131M for anti-tank missile system "Metis-M", MANPADS 9K32M "Strela-2", rocket-propelled grenade launchers RPG-29 "Vampire" and RPG-27 "Tavolga", as well as flamethrower MRO-A, optical sights and cameras.

Of course Russian propaganda will claim that the weapons were bought through third countries, such as Syria, but this is another lie, as Putin's policy is aimed at maximising chaos creation in all parts of the world and supporting all extremist and terrorist groups.

Source: Channel 13