The developers of Sid Meier's Civilisation VII introduced Tecumseh, the leader of the indigenous peoples of the Americas

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 14:49

Firaxis Games continues to introduce the national leaders available in Sid Meier's Civilisation VII historical 4X-strategy.

The public has already been introduced to the first female pharaoh Hatshepsut, the founder of the Roman Empire Octavian Augustus, and the great Chinese philosopher Confucius.

Here's What We Know

In the new video the developers showed the leader of the indigenous peoples of America Tecumseh.

This character tries to settle all conflicts by diplomacy, but if it does not work out, he shows himself well during the fighting. Tecumseh respects rulers who have an independent stance, and is unwilling to negotiate with someone who obeys the orders of others.

Tecumseh's bonus is a boost to provisions and goods production, + one strength boost for each unit from cities that obey Tecumseh, and +2 to food production for each settlement built near water, but -10% food production if the settlement is built far from water.

When We Can Expect It

Sid Meier's Civilisation VII will be released on 11 February on PC, PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Sid Meier' s Civilisation