India has become the largest supplier of sub-sanctioned goods to Russia, second only to China

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 13:15

Despite harsh U.S. and European sanctions, the aggressor country russia continues to receive critical goods and technology to support the military-industrial complex and the production of weapons used in the war against Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

Publicly, India declares support for Ukraine's sovereignty and integrity and even offers to mediate potential talks between the warring parties. But according to Bloomberg, it is India that is the second largest supplier of substation goods to Russia after China.

It is reported that exports of banned goods in April-May 2024 exceeded $60 million, twice as much as in previous months, and in July the figure was already $95 million.

American and European politicians, with whom Bloomberg journalists spoke, noted that the Indian authorities do not comment on such partnerships and try to avoid this topic at international meetings.

It is known that almost one-fifth of military and dual-use goods enter Russia through India.

While Western countries are trying to stop the trade turnover of sanctioned goods from Turkey, China and the Arab Emirates - Russia has found workarounds and buys technology, chips, machine tools and other important goods through India, Thailand and Malaysia.

The Bloomberg piece notes that India, in turn, has become the largest buyer of Russian oil, thus providing serious support to the aggressor's economy.

Source: Bloomberg