Intel's tough decisions continue: the company is laying off 1,300 employees at its Oregon plant

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 13:45

Earlier we reported that Intel will lay off about 17,000 employees and significantly cut research and marketing spending. It is within the framework of this restructuring that large-scale cuts are taking place in the Oregon branch of the company.

Here's What We Know

According to the publication Oregon Live, Intel is laying off 1,300 people who worked at the plant in Gordon Moore Park (Oregon). According to journalists' calculations, this number corresponds to 5% of the company's staff.

The Intel management assures that some of the dismissed workers will take early retirement, and some will be compensated for their service.

These are the hardest decisions we've ever made, and we treat people with care and respect

All those laid off will receive their salary for 13 weeks of service plus additional pay for each year of Intel and a year of health insurance.

The Oregon layoffs are part of a crisis management programme under which the company plans to save $10bn by 2025 and exit the recession by 2027.

Incidentally, the reorganisation and cuts were reported yesterday by Meta.

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Source: Oregon Live