Japanese company Prodrone will provide Ukraine with the technology to create drones that detect mines

By: Anton Kratiuk | today, 14:05

One of the many tasks that Ukraine has to face is demining vast territories.

The Japanese company Prodrone plans to transfer to Ukraine the technology for creating drones that detect mines.

Here's What We Know

Prodrone has developed several types of UAVs that perform various functions, including mine detection.

One of the Ukrainian companies may soon receive a licence to produce such devices.

Open sources do not yet specify the model of the drone, but from the information published on the website of the manufacturer, we can assume that it will be Prodrone Scan, which flies at a height of only 50 cm and with the help of AI detects mines and puts their location on an interactive map, after which a deminer arrives at the site and performs demining.

Prodone Scan specifications:

  • 20kg weight (including LiDAR system and battery);
  • the distance between the engines is - 1300 mm;
  • flight duration - about 30 minutes;
  • the drone is designed for a maximum wind speed of 10 m/s.
  • The drone operates effectively in the temperature range from -10 °C to 40 °C.
  • It uses a 2.4 GHz radio control method for communication.

The Japanese company expects to benefit from co-operation with Ukraine in 2025, hence the mine-detector drone may appear in the country very soon.

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Source: Eurasia Times