11 bit will provide Frostpunk 2 with long term content support: developers have published a plan to develop the strategy

By: Anton Kratiuk | 26.11.2024, 22:47

Studio 11 bit has published a development plan for the highly regarded urban strategy game Frostpunk 2.

Here's What We Know

The plan is clearly visualised and in the style of the in-game map:

The first phase of support for Frostpunk 2 has already been realised - the Polish developers have released patch 1.1, with a major 1.2 update on the way.

The company plans to release Frostpunk 2 on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series in 2025, and is preparing to release the first major content update. Two story-based paid add-ons are also expected to be released that year, which so far have the working title Spectrum and Aurora.

Another DLC will be released in 2026. The developers promise that each add-on will add interesting and unexpected mechanics that will diversify the gameplay of Frostpunk 2.

Surely between the listed stages 11 bit will release small patches and hotfixes to improve the game and eliminate its shortcomings.

Source: Steam