Premiere of the first 2 episodes of the highly acclaimed DC Creature Commandos animated series about a squad of monsters
On 5 December 2024, a new animated series in the DC Creature Commandos universe premiered on the Max platform. This project has already attracted the attention of critics and received high marks on Rotten Tomatoes.
Here's What We Know
Creature Commandos is an animated series by James Gunn that will become part of the new DC Cinematic Universe. The series combines elements of black humour, drama and action, which are characteristic features of Gunn's work, known for his work on the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The plot of Creature Commandos focuses on a team of superheroes consisting of unusual characters - monsters and beasts with their own unique abilities and personalities.
High scores on Rotten Tomatoes, namely 96% freshness, indicate a positive reception from critics who praise the quality of the animation, successful black humour and the plot.
Each new episode will be released on a weekly basis.