Google claims its latest Willow quantum chip is so fast it can harness power from the multiverse

By: Vlad Cherevko | 14.12.2024, 14:56
Google claims its latest Willow quantum chip is so fast it can harness power from the multiverse

Google has unveiled its latest Willow quantum chip, which Google Quantum AI founder Hartmut Neven says is so fast that it may be harnessing computing power from parallel universes.

Here's What We Know

On Google's blog, Neven noted that the chip performed calculations in five minutes that would take one of the fastest supercomputers 10 septillion years to complete. This number, which has 25 zeros, is much older than the age of the universe and supports the theory of the existence of a multiverse, first proposed by physicist David Deutsch.

Willow quantum chip. Illustration: Google

The Willow chip also solves the problem of error correction, an important step in the development of quantum computers. However, sceptics argue that these claims are based on tests created by Google itself and do not prove the existence of parallel universes. Nevertheless, Willow's success puts Google at the forefront of the race for quantum supremacy, despite the ongoing debate about the reality of the multiverse.

Source: Google