Turkey successfully tests Tayfun ballistic missile, which can now fly 560 km

By: Mykhailo Stoliar | 05.02.2025, 16:17

Turkey has conducted another test of the Tayfun short-range ballistic missile, which reached a range of 561 km, a record for Turkish tactical missiles.

Here's What We Know

The launch took place on 3 February from the Rize-Artvin airport on the Black Sea coast. The missile, manufactured by Roketsan, hit a naval target near the city of Sinop. During the test, air and sea traffic within a 700-km radius was temporarily halted.

Haluk Görgün, president of Turkey's Defence Industry Agency, said the test confirmed the missile's performance, highlighting its ability to deliver precision strikes. The Tayfun has hypersonic speed, which allows it to evade air defence systems, and increased resistance to electronic warfare.

The Tayfun programme is based on previous developments by Turkey in cooperation with China, including the Yıldırım (150 km) and Bora (300 km) missiles. The Tayfun exceeds the 300km limit set by the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), but Turkey, as a member of the agreement, has the right to develop such systems for its own defence.

Earlier, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his intention to accelerate the development of a ballistic missile with a range of 2,000 km.

Source: Turkishminute