Your discs can deteriorate due to a chemical reaction, and this is actively happening with DVDs released by Warner Bros.

By: Vladyslav Nuzhnov | 17.03.2025, 11:44
Your discs can deteriorate due to a chemical reaction, and this is actively happening with DVDs released by Warner Bros.

There are often discussions that discs are better than digital copies, because no one can take a disc away from you. And that may be true, but have you heard of something called "disc rot"? This process has become a reality for DVD owners, especially those who own discs released by Warner Bros. between 2006 and 2008. This chemical degradation renders the discs unusable, and although Warner Bros. offers to replace some damaged discs, the fact that your disc may be ruined does not go away.

Here's What We Know

Disc Rot is a chemical degradation process that can be caused by factors such as oxidation, UV light damage, and contamination. This causes discs to become unusable due to delamination. Warner Bros. has recognised the problem and offered to replace some damaged discs, although it is not always possible to get the same film that has been damaged due to the expiration of the licence. People are then offered another disc for the same price.

Although DVDs can last from 30 to 100 years if stored properly, the problem of disc rot shows that even proper care cannot always prevent damage.

To properly preserve physical media, it is important to store discs in a cool, dry place with low humidity. However, even under these conditions, the risk of damage cannot be completely eliminated. The best way to preserve games and movies is to have them in multiple versions, both physical and digital.

And this is another example of why organisations like the Video Game History Museum are very important so that we don't lose access to many media products (although this has already happened, especially with older games and films).

Source: TheGamer