Classic Armoured Core trilogy released without trophy support on PlayStation 4/5

FromSoftware has released the original Armoured Core trilogy from PlayStation 1, which is now available for PS Plus Premium subscribers or as a separate purchase on PS4/PS5. However, players are faced with an unpleasant surprise: these classic games do not support trophies.
Here's What We Know
Armored Core, Armored Core: Project Phantasma and Armoured Core: Master of Arena were released for PS1 and gained cult status among fans of the mecha-action genre.
Thanks to the cooperation between FromSoftware and Sony, these projects became available on modern consoles. However, the lack of trophy support came as a surprise to players who expected to get platinum in them.
However, some hope that Sony and FromSoftware will take into account the wishes of players and add trophy support in the future.
Source: PlayStation Lifestyle