Arduino Oplà - the guide to the world of the Internet of Things that you create

By: danserov | 11.05.2021, 22:55

The Arduino company, known for its programmable microcomputers, has released the Arduino Oplà, a kit for creating a smart home (or a garage, or an office - that's up to you). It includes the MKR WiFi 1010 board, which is essentially a microprocessor; and the IoT Carrier, a pocket teleport-like board equipped with an OLED display and connected to other devices. The price is $114.

Where to use it?

Carrier is equipped with many sensors: motion sensor, touch sensor, photosensor, thermometer, hygrometer (measures humidity). This is the main switch of the system. Installing and programming the whole system takes about a minute and the devices are ready to go. Arduino offers cloud services and a year of premium subscriptions, which will make writing code (or just copying from a library of ready-made variants) easy and enjoyable. And there are a lot of applications for Oplà: locks with a fingerprint, a plant watering system, and a smart light. Everything depends on the imagination of the user.

Source: Arduino