Australia will pay Bitcoin for COVID-19 vaccination

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 23.08.2021, 09:50

Australia is looking for new ways to get people vaccinated against COVID-19. One of them is to pay Bitcoin for the vaccination.

It's hard to call it a big bonus, though. Everyone who gets vaccinated against COVID-19 will only be paid $5 in cryptocurrency. At the rate of 0.0001 BTC on the morning of August 23, 2021. Australia hopes that the residents will be inspired to get vaccinated not by the size of the bonus, but by the fact of payment in cryptocurrency.

It should be noted that the initiative came not from the Australian government, but from Finder. Co-founder Fred Shebesta, whose fortune is estimated at $214 million, said that he wanted to get the country's population back to normal life as soon as possible.

Source: Play Crazy Game