Google has released Android 12 Beta 4.1

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 26.08.2021, 13:40

Android 12 Beta 4 is the latest beta version of the operating system. But Google has decided to release an update called Android 12 Beta 4.1.

What's new?

But the version of the operating system is available for Pixel smartphones starting from the third generation. It doesn't bring any new features, but aims to improve stability. The update fixes the problem of cyclic rebooting, which the developers started addressing back in Beta 4.

OS Update fixes issues with incorrect operation of Bluetooth wireless adapter, facial recognition, volume control and on-screen notifications. Android 12 Beta 4.1 is already available for the following smartphones:

  • Pixel 5;
  • Pixel 4a 4G / 5G;
  • Pixel 4 / XL;
  • Pixel 3a / XL;
  • Pixel 3 / XL.

Source: ITHome