It's clear why Apple bought Shazam three years ago: for DJ mixes

By: Yuriy Stanislavskiy | 10.09.2021, 15:06

Thanks to the Cupertino-based company's use of Shazam technology, a lot more DJ mixes will be available on the Apple Music streaming service.

Dance mixes have always been a nightmare for any company looking to stream or stream them online. This is due to the fact that each mix includes segments of works by multiple artists, each of whose performers and creators should get their share of the profits. This means that the company must be able to identify each of the included segments to ensure proper labeling and compensation is paid to the appropriate parties.

Source reports that Apple has finally officially announced the technology it has been using for some time, thanks to its 2018 acquisition of Shazam.

Apple Music announced today that it has created a process to properly identify and compensate all individual creators involved in the creation of a DJ mix.

Using technology from the audio recognition app Shazam, which Apple acquired in 2018 for $400 million, Apple Music is working with large and independent labels to develop a fair way to share streaming royalties between DJs, labels and artists who appear in mixes.

For now, Apple does not accept user-generated content (UGC), which is typically hosted on platforms such as SoundCloud. This could well be a future aspiration for Apple Music, given that the value of user-generated content in the music industry is estimated to be more than $6 billion.

Source: techcrunch

Illustration: Pexels