Xiaomi Mi Band 6 received a firmware update with new themes

By: Maksim Panasovskyi | 22.09.2021, 01:43

Xiaomi has released a software update for four popular wearable devices. The Xiaomi Mi Band 6 sports bracelet, as well as the Redmi Watch, Mi Watch Color and Mi Watch Color Sports Edition received the update.

What's new?

Update brings a new design theme in the style of the mobile game "Harry Potter: Awakening of Magic". Users can choose to install one of four dials that used the names of the faculties: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff (Puffendum) and Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw).

The dial displays the date and time, heart rate, weather, and other data. You need to use the Mi Fit app to update the software.