Google Pixel smartphones learn how to call emergency services and automatically shoot video in emergency situations

By: Elena Shcherban | 02.10.2021, 15:16

Personal Safety, a pre-installed app on Pixel smartphones that's built for emergencies, has gained some useful features.

What's been added?

The latest update (version 2021.08.27) adds a new feature called "emergency help". It allows Google Pixel users to set certain actions when the power button is pressed 5 times. At the choices are calling for help, sharing information with selected contacts and automatic video recording.

 That is, in emergencies you can press the button 5 times and get the help you need. In the first case it will be an SOS signal to the necessary rescue services, in the second - exchange status updates in real time about your location, remaining battery power and phone calls with specific contacts. In the third - the smartphone will start recording video, capturing what's going on around you.

As for the latter, the maximum recording time will be 45 minutes. The video is automatically saved to the cloud, but is automatically deleted after 7 days. Looks like you'll need a connection to network to do this. You can also select and share footage with your contacts in emergencies.

The user will then be able to use the phone as normal while recording . At only a small icon will indicate that the recording is in progress. At any time the recording can be stopped.

Source: XDA