Tesla Berlin plant plans to release first cars as early as next month

By: Yuriy Stanislavskiy | 11.10.2021, 13:55

Tesla is actively working on a new car production facility in Germany to directly deliver its popular electric cars to customers in Europe. Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently announced that the first cars built at the new plant will roll off the assembly line as early as next month. The plant will be capable of producing an "impressive" number of cars daily.

Impressive is how many?

According to Musk, the plant could produce up to 10,000 cars per day. Tesla is currently awaiting approval from German regulators to begin production at the plant. While the first cars could roll off the assembly line in Germany as early as next month, Musk has made it clear that it will take some time to reach full-scale production.

Activist Reaction

The Tesla executive also said that by the end of 2022, mass production of battery packs will be set up at a nearby plant. Because of this, Tesla has come under attack from eco-activists in Germany who are concerned about the plant's environmental impact. In response, Musk said that the plant will use "relatively little" water and that its battery production line is sustainable.

Window of Opportunity

At the moment, Tesla is concerned about a very different issue related to the continued operation of the plant, which is the ability to hire enough workers. The automaker is encouraging people from all over Europe to apply to work at the plant.

Source: engadget

Illustration: Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash