Twitter Spaces voice chats are available to all iOS and Android users

By: Yuriy Stanislavskiy | 22.10.2021, 11:27

Less than a year after it began testing live audio rooms, Twitter is opening up Spaces to just about everyone. Starting today, any Android and iOS user can set up a "space," regardless of how many people are subscribed to it. Until now, the critical mass that opens up access to the feature was 600 subscribers.

Twitter delayed the mass release for almost a year for a reason. The company has spent the last few months adding features that greatly improve the user experience. Twitter engineers recently added a "Themes" tool that allows you to add pre-defined tags to make it easier to find an audio room.

They also recently added a co-maintenance feature where you can bring in people to help moderate. All of these things should make Spaces more appealing to first-time users.

All the technical details and features of the new service are described in as much detail as possible on the official Twitter Spaces page.

Source: @TwitterSupport

Illustration: @twitterspaces