Instagram and Twitter have reconciled: photo and video preview in tweets returns

By: Yuriy Stanislavskiy | 03.11.2021, 22:29

A nine-year internet feud has come to an end. From this day forward, when you share a link to an Instagram post on Twitter, the preview will once again include the image, not just the URL. This feature will work on Android, iOS, and the web interface. The new old feature is being enabled in a fan out, so specifically for you may not work yet.

The news was shared by both the official social media accounts, Twitter and Instagram.

Instagram disabled Twitter post previews immediately after it was acquired by Facebook in 2012. Kevin Systrom, Instagram's founder and former CEO, said at the time that the decision was made by him personally, not Mark Zuckerberg.

However, Instagram wasn't the only party to make changes that limited the integration of the then two most popular social networks; Twitter removed a feature that allows you to find people you follow on Instagram a few months after Systrom's demarche.

Source: @instagram@TwitterSupport