Chinese lunar rover captures "mystery hut" on the far side of the moon

While exploring the Von Karman crater on the far side of the moon, the Chinese rover Yutu 2 captured a very unusual object in the lunar landscape. The rather fuzzy image shows a regular cube-shaped protrusion. The National Space Administration of China posted the photo on social media, christening the object a "mystery hut."
Of course, the most likely explanation for this object will be the simplest possible - it's a stone. It is located at a distance of 80 meters from the lunar rover, but it will take some time to overcome this distance: the lunar rover has current tasks, and it can only move during the daylight hours of the "lunar day", since its power directly depends on the sun's rays.

Sometimes stones appear on the surface of the Moon under the influence of external factors, as in the photo above. And everyone knows that there are no aliens on Earth's natural satellite, right? Nevertheless, accurate information about the "mysterious hut" can only be obtained in a couple of months. In the meantime, we have the opportunity to dream up.
There were immediate suggestions on social media that it could be something like the Obelisk from Arthur Clarke's book and Stanley Kubrick's film. "2001: A Space Odyssey".
A source: weixin