Telegram update - reactions, spoilers, QR codes and text translation

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 30.12.2021, 15:48

Telegram developers have prepared a large and at the same time the last update of the messenger in the past year.

What's new

The first innovation is reactions... Users will now be able to use emoji to express their opinion without typing. A double tap on a message sends a like. To select from a list of possible emojis, you need to hold down the message (iOS) or click on it once (Android). In private conversations, reactions are always enabled, and in channels - optional (at the discretion of the administrator).

The second innovation is Hidden text... Movie fans will be able to discuss the latest film distribution, hiding spoilers. To do this, you need to select the required part of the text and set the formatting to "Hidden".

The third innovation is Text translation... The function is activated in the settings in the "Language" section. To translate a message, you need to click (in the case of iOS - hold down) on it and select "Translate". The function works on devices with any version of Android and iOS 15+.

Fourth update - QR codes... Users can create a QR code to go to any profile or channel with a public link. To generate the code, you need to click on the corresponding icon next to the public link.

Also note set of interactive emoji and new menu in Telegram for PC based on macOS operating system. The app has updated navigation and added animated icons for all menu options.

A source: Telegram