Emmanuel Macron wants to make France a "champion" in artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 15.06.2023, 18:30

French President Emmanuel Macron has spoken out wanting the country to become a leader in artificial intelligence. He said this at the VivaTech technology exhibition in Paris.

Here's What We Know

Macron announced €500m ($543m) to "create champions" in AI and praised French-speaking projects. The president is concerned that Silicon Valley firms are fuelling the English-language dominance of artificial intelligence systems.

The French president also called on the European Union to pass an AI law as soon as possible. However, he warned against regulation without investment.

"The worst-case scenario would be Europe investing far less than the US and China, but starting with creating regulation. This scenario is possible, but I would not support it," Macron said.

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Source: France 24