TuSimple has successfully completed testing of unmanned trucks in China

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 20.06.2023, 14:00

TuSimple, an autonomous trucking company, has successfully completed a fully autonomous semitrailer ride on public roads in China.

Here's What We Know

According to the company, the truck was tested on a 40-mile stretch in Shanghai. The route took place in both urban and highway environments. Testing included various weather conditions, the drone's behaviour at traffic lights, exits, lane changes and partial road closures.

In 2021, the company tested an autonomous truck in Arizona, USA. The route then covered an 80-mile stretch that included surface streets and highways. Despite the success of the experiment, TuSimple has not attempted to replicate it in the US.

The company also began testing its unmanned trucks in Japan in June 2023.

Source: TechCrunch