Christopher Nolan calls AI a threat to journalists because the press has ignored the danger of the technology for years

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 21.06.2023, 16:58

Film director Christopher Nolan believes the media have written more about the dangers of artificial intelligence because the technology threatens journalists' jobs.

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He says the problems associated with AI have been evident for years, but few journalists have covered the topic.

"Now that there’s a chatbot that can write an article for a local newspaper, suddenly it’s a crisis," Nolan said.

Nolan believes the main problem has to do with "evade responsibility". This has been affected by the public assigning "godlike characteristics" to the technology.

"If we endorse the view that AI is all-powerful, we are endorsing the view that it can alleviate people of responsibility for their actions — militarily, socio­economically, whatever," he added.

Nolan expressed optimism about the technology. However, humans should see AI as a tool and take responsibility for the consequences.

Source: Variety