Samuel L. Jackson says he has long warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 26.06.2023, 22:20

American actor Samuel L. Jackson is not surprised by the growing anxiety around artificial intelligence. According to him, he predicted this trend long ago.

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"People just started worrying about that? I asked about that a long time ago" he revealed.

According to Jackson, he first encountered the frightening technology on the set of Star Wars when he was first "scanned". The actor then joked that if anything happened to him, George Lucas would still include his digital copy in the film.

Later, for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the actor was again subjected to the scanning process.

"Every time you change costumes in a Marvel movie, they scan you" the actor added.

Jackson also shared his approach to dealing with vague wording in the contract that may address artificial intelligence and the use of digital images of actors. According to the actor, he crosses out all clauses that have the words "in perpetuity" and "known and unknown".

"It's my way of saying, 'No, I do not approve of this'"

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Source: Rolling Stone