Plaintiffs demand $3 billion from Microsoft and OpenAI for using their data to train ChatGPT

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 29.06.2023, 11:50

A group of plaintiffs have sued Microsoft and OpenAI. They claim that ChatGPT-based AI products collected and disclosed their personal information without proper notice or consent.

Here's What We Know

According to the complaint, the companies violated a number of federal and local laws. Microsoft and OpenAI allegedly ignored legal ways to obtain data for their AI models and chose to collect it without permission.

The plaintiffs pointed out that they had used ChatGPT and other internet services like Reddit. However, they expected that their digital interactions would not be used to train an AI model.

The plaintiffs are seeking certification of the suit as a class action and damages of $3 billion. However, this amount is subject to change. If they win, the court will set the amount of compensation.

Source: The Register.