Cruise and Waymo have called humans bad drivers and urged faster adoption of robot taxis

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 14.07.2023, 18:41

Unmanned car developers Cruise and Waymo have labelled humans as bad drivers amid the companies' push to get permission to operate robot taxis in San Francisco.

Here's What We Know

Cruise placed full-page ads in major California newspapers with the headline "Humans are terrible drivers". At the same time, Waymo published a blog post making similar claims.

The Alphabet-owned company used its robotaxis to analyse the aggregate speeds of all cars in San Francisco and Phoenix over a 10-day period. Waymo found that vehicles exceeded the speed limit 47 per cent of the time. Many vehicles were travelling at 40 km/h over the posted speed limit.

The company also referred to official data from US regulators. According to them, in 2020, speeding caused a third of all fatal road accidents and 13 per cent of injuries in the US.


Source: TechCrunch