Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system that will warn of the next pandemic

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 07.08.2023, 22:56

Researchers from Scripps Research and Northwestern University (USA) have developed an artificial intelligence system that could warn humanity about the emergence of dangerous virus variants during future pandemics.

Here's What We Know

The system has been named EWAD (Early Warning Anomaly Detection). It uses machine learning to analyse the genetic sequences, frequencies and mortality rates of virus variants as they spread around the world.

Scientists tested EWAD on real data from the COVID-19 pandemic and found that it can accurately predict which problematic variants will emerge as the virus mutates. The system can also estimate how public health measures such as vaccination and mask-wearing will affect the evolution of the virus.

EWAD uses a mathematical method called spatial covariance based on a Gaussian process, which can predict new data based on existing data. The system can also identify patterns and rules of virus evolution that are otherwise in the vast amount of data.

One of the main lessons of this work is that it is important to consider not just a few prominent variants, but tens of thousands of others. These the scientists called "dark matter variants."

According to the researchers, their system could also help to better understand the basic biology of viruses and how they adapt to different environmental conditions. This could lead to the creation of more effective treatments and prevention methods for viral diseases.

Source: Interesting Engineering