An AI meal planning app has suggested a recipe that produces dangerous chlorine gas

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 10.08.2023, 22:56

New Zealand supermarket Pak 'n' Save created an artificial intelligence app that generates personalised meal plans based on a specified list of foods. However, the algorithms soon began suggesting dangerous meal recipes.

Here's What We Know

Immediately after its release, the app went viral because of its ridiculous but harmless recipes. For example, the artificial intelligence figured out how to make vegetable stew with Oreo biscuits.

However, the algorithms soon started generating recipes that were dangerous to human health. For example, the app advised users to cook dishes such as "bleach-infused rice surprise" sandwiches with ant poison and glue, and "aromatic water mix" that creates chlorine gas.

A spokesman for the supermarket accused users of misusing the tool. He said the company will continue to improve the app and work on its safety.

The app also warns that the generated recipes are "are not reviewed by a human being" In addition, the programme advises users to rely on their own judgement before cooking a dish.

Source: The Guardian