Game of Thrones author sues OpenAI for copyright infringement

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 21.09.2023, 20:05


Dozens of American writers, including George RR Martin and John Grisham, have filed a lawsuit against OpenAI for allegedly using their works to train artificial intelligence.

Here's What We Know

Martin is the author of the popular fantasy book series A Song of Ice and Fire, which was adapted into the HBO series Game of Thrones.

The lawsuit claims that the developers used the authors' books without their permission, which allowed the artificial intelligence to provide accurate annotations. They also accused the startup of "systematic theft on a mass scale".

The complaint also points to wider concerns in the media industry. Artists are concerned that this kind of technology is "crowding out copyrighted content".

OpenAI responded that it respects the rights of authors. According to the company, they "they should benefit from AI technology".

"We're having productive conversations with many creators around the world, including the Authors Guild, and have been working co-operatively to understand and discuss their concerns about AI"

Other well-known authors mentioned in the complaint include Jonathan Franzen, Jodi Picoult and George Saunders. The case will be heard in a federal court in Manhattan, New York.

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Source: BBC