ChatGPT has learnt to work with actual data from the internet

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 27.09.2023, 21:04

Jonathan Kemper/Unsplash

OpenAI has given ChatGPT access to up-to-date knowledge from the internet. Now the chatbot is not limited to information until September 2021 and can provide direct links to sources.

Here's What We Know

OpenAI says the update is useful for tasks that require fresh knowledge - technical research, product selection, travel planning.

A preview version of the feature was launched in May 2023. Since then, the company has added robots.txt file compliance to browsing and introduced special agents to control ChatGPT's interaction with websites.

The new feature is already available to ChatGPT Plus and Enterprise subscribers. In the nearest future it will be available for all users.

To enable the feature, you need to select Browse with Bing in the selector under GPT-4.

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Source: @OpenAI