Artifact will allow artificial intelligence to generate illustrations for user-generated posts

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 05.10.2023, 18:39

Artifact platform has launched a new AI-based feature to create images for user posts.

Here's What We Know

According to the developers, the new feature will help add "compelling illustrations" to posts to better tell stories.

Artifact used to be an AI-powered news app that aggregated content from the web. However, last week the service allowed authorised posts to compete with Instagram and Twitter.

The new feature is available in the latest versions of Artifact for iOS and Android. To generate an image, you need to create a post, press "+" near the photo and select "Create with AI".

You can then enter a description or keywords, specify a style, genre or tool. If you don't like the generated image, you can try new prompts.

Source: Artifact