A bill to protect actors and musicians from unauthorised digital copies has been introduced in the US

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 13.10.2023, 21:11

Image generated by artificial intelligence

A group of US senators have introduced a bill that aims to protect actors, musicians and other performers from having unauthorised digital copies of their faces and voices created by artificial intelligence technology.

Here's What We Know

The bill is called the No Fakes Act. It introduces rules for the use of digital doubles of people and prohibits the creation of such copies without the consent of the person or the right holder.

Exceptions are cases of use in news, documentaries and other similar purposes. Creating copies for parody and criticism is also permitted.

The rights would apply during the person's lifetime and 70 years after death. The bill allows civil suits for infringement.

The music industry welcomes the initiative because it considers many generative AI models to be tools for stealing content.

However, some legal experts fear the law could affect existing copyright and right of publicity regulations.

Source: The Verge