DeepMind founder has spoken out against the rush to develop artificial intelligence

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 01.11.2023, 16:37

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DeepMind co-founder Demis Hassabis has called for an end to the rush to develop artificial intelligence at a summit in the UK.

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He said the approach "move fast and break things" characterised by Silicon Valley - has brought huge success to tech companies. However, artificial intelligence is too important to develop hastily, Hassabis said.

We need to make sure we understand AI systems and know how to implement them safely and responsibly, he said. Among the potential risks, Hassabis cited AI's creation of misinformation and its malicious use.

The call by the founder of DeepMind, now owned by Google, to abandon the rush to develop AI comes amid a rapid proliferation of chatbots like ChatGPT and a massive craze for generative AI capabilities.

Source: BBC