Anthropic unveiled updated chatbot Claude 2.1 with increased token limit

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 22.11.2023, 15:42


Anthropic has released the Claude 2.1 update for its chatbot. Pro plan users can now leverage up to 200,000 tokens per request, which is equivalent to over 500 pages of text.

Here's What We Know

Previously, Claude's limit was 100,000 tokens. Thus, the new version doubles this value. In comparison, GPT-4 has a limit of no more than 32,000 tokens even on the most expensive tariff.

Claude 2.1 also brings a beta version of tools. The chatbot now allows users to connect third-party APIs like a calculator or web search. Users can also request API calls directly using natural language.

In addition, the company has updated the developer console by adding a test window to try out tooltips. There's also the ability to give Claude personalised instructions to customise the chatbot's behaviour.

Source: Anthropic