Microsoft has negotiated the first union contract regulating the use of AI

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 12.12.2023, 19:31

Yuki Iwamura/Bloomberg

Microsoft has signed a collective bargaining agreement with the CWA union, which for the first time in the tech giant's history regulates the use of artificial intelligence technology. The agreement covers hundreds of employees of Microsoft-owned ZeniMax game studios.

Here's What We Know

According to the agreement, AI systems in the company must be fair and empowering to humans. If employees feel that this condition is violated, they will be able to take legal action.

In addition, Microsoft is committed to informing the union about every new case of AI implementation that may affect employees. Upon request, the company will begin negotiations on related changes.

Microsoft has also partnered with the AFL-CIO, the largest union federation. As part of the agreement, the tech giant promised not to hinder unionisation efforts and to regularly share information on AI trends.

Experts call the signed agreements a milestone. For the first time, one of the largest IT companies has gone into dialogue with unions and agreed to share control over the introduction of new technologies that affect the interests of employees.

Source: Bloomberg