ChatGPT will get a personalised memory to remember users and their preferences

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 14.02.2024, 15:29


OpenAI has announced the introduction of a new "memory" feature in ChatGPT that will allow it to remember information about users and their preferences.

Here's What We Know

According to an OpenAI blog post, ChatGPT's memory will work in two ways. First, users will be able to explicitly tell the bot what information about themselves to remember: profession, hobbies, food preferences, and so on. Second, the chatbot will be able to automatically capture details from dialogues as they communicate.

With the new feature, OpenAI wants to make ChatGPT conversations more comfortable and personal. For example, the GPT book-reading app will be able to remember which works the user has already read and which genres they prefer.

Managing the data that ChatGPT has memorised

By default, the memory feature will be enabled for all users. At the same time, OpenAI assures that it controls what data ChatGPT remembers in order to prevent sensitive information from being leaked.

Users will also be able to manage and delete stored information about themselves, as well as correspond in "temporary chat" mode without saving data.

The new features are already available in test mode for a small number of ChatGPT users.

Source: OpenAI