Amazon has been accused of using AI to "copy the voices" of actors in the Road House remake

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 28.02.2024, 16:50

Amazon Studios

The screenwriter of the 1989 film "Road House" (Road House) R. Lance Hill filed a lawsuit against Amazon Studios and MGM, accusing them of copyright infringement in the creation of a remake of the film using technology "cloning the voice" actors.

Here's What We Know

According to the plaintiff's version, the studios rushed to complete filming before the rights to the script expired in November 2023. Because of the actors' strike, they had to resort to using artificial intelligence to mimic the voices of the actors, which violates the terms of the US Screen Actors Guild agreements, Hill claims.

Amazon denies the allegations and says the makers of the remake were expressly forbidden from using "voice cloning" technology. According to a studio spokesperson, AI could only be used in the early stages of production, and all elements created by non-members of the Screen Actors Guild were removed from the final version.

Hill is demanding that the film's premiere, scheduled for March this year, be blocked. He is also challenging Amazon's rights to the script after November 2023, when he believes they should have revisited it.

Source: Engadget