California schoolchildren distributed nude photos of classmates generated by AI

By: Bohdan Kaminskyi | 28.02.2024, 21:37

tommao wang/Unsplash.

The administration of Beverly Vista High School in California is investigating an incident in which students used artificial intelligence technology to create and distribute nude photos of classmates.

Here's What We Know

The images reportedly showed the faces of real schoolmates superimposed on nude bodies modelled by a neural network. The images were circulated on messengers by a group of students.

"It is very scary people can’t feel safe to come to school. They are scared people will show off explicit photos of them", said one of the students, who declined to be named.

It is unclear how many students were affected by the spread of the fake images.

The Beverly Hills School District said it was "shocked" by the misuse of AI technology. Guilty students could face disciplinary action. Children whose images have been manipulated are also being counselled.

“Parents, please partner with us and speak with your children about this dangerous behavior. Students, please talk to your friends about how disturbing and inappropriate this manipulation of images is”, the district stated.

According to the school district's superintendent, safety legislation has lagged behind the advancement of technology. He urged lawmakers to increase regulation in this area.

Some parents expressed hope that Beverly Vista High School would take swift action.

"It needs to be some kind of huge consequence for that", one parent said.

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Source: NBC