"1Password" for Android has received an update

By: Nastya Bobkova | 05.03.2024, 19:26

The well-known Android password manager, 1Password, has released a major update and introduced a new level of security for its users. The main advantage is the support for access keys, which is considered the future standard of secure authentication.

Here's What We Know

Access keys are like a password, but even more secure. Imagine that you have two keys: one public and one private. When you want to log in to a website or app, you'll need to show a signature that is generated by your private key. The website or app will check this signature against your public key. If it is correct, you will be granted access. This is a very secure method because only the public key is stored on the server, making it safer for your accounts.

1Password joins a select circle of password managers that support access keys, along with Google Password Manager. However, 1Password is different and offers more features and a more flexible approach to using passcodes across devices and platforms.

For users who want to try this new authentication method, it is important to have an Android device running Android 14 or later, an updated 1Password app, and a website or account that supports passkeys. 1Password recommends using Amazon, WhatsApp, or Uber for your first steps with the new access keys.

Source: Digital Trends