Clip Mouse: the original computer mouse in the form of a finger clip

By: Elena Shcherban | 20.08.2023, 15:56

A rather unusual computer mouse called Clip Mouse has appeared on the Kickstarter platform.


The thing is that this mouse does not need to be held in your hand - it is made in the form of a clip and is put on the index and middle fingers of your hand. You don't need a mat or even a flat surface to work on - just mimic the movements of a classic mouse, even on a table or in the air. The bottom part is used as left and right buttons, and for scrolling just make the same movement with your finger. The device recognises gestures and movements and transmits commands to the computer via Bluetooth.

If necessary, the mouse can be switched off by pressing the side button.

Clip Mouse connects to Windows and Mac using Bluetooth 5.0. The built-in rechargeable battery provides up to 50 hours of continuous use without recharging. The mouse is charged via USB-C port.

Clip Mouse can be ordered on Kickstarter for 59 euros. Deliveries of the first batch are expected in October, the second - in November.

Source: Kickstarter