A drone strike could have hit supersonic nuclear-capable Tu-22M3 missile bombers at a military base in russia

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 19.08.2023, 15:10

The Russian Defence Ministry has announced a drone attack on the Soltsy military base in the Novgorod Region. Tupolev Tu-22M3 supersonic bombers are stationed there. The base is about 700 kilometres from the border with Ukraine.

Here's What We Know

According to the Russian defence ministry, one aircraft was damaged in the strike, which took place at around 03:00 (EDT) or 00:00 (PDT). At the same time, Russian channels in Telegram write about damage to at least two bombers. In total, up to a dozen aircraft could have been at the base at the time of the strike.

It is worth noting that the Russian Federation often uses Tu-22M3 bombers for missile attacks. The aircraft is a carrier of nuclear weapons, but it strikes Ukraine with supersonic Kh-22 anti-ship cruise missiles.

The Tu-22M made its maiden flight in late summer 1969. The M3 version entered service nearly 15 years later. Production ended in 1993. In 22 years, Plant No. 22 produced almost 500 supersonic bombers.