Russians use car tyres to protect Tu-95 nuclear bombers from Ukrainian kamikaze drones

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 04.09.2023, 00:44

Ukraine has started actively using kamikaze drones on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the Russians are looking for ways to protect their aircraft.

Here's What We Know

Satellite images show that the Russians are using car tyres to protect Tu-95 nuclear bombers stationed at an airfield in Engels, Saratov region. Late last year, one of the two bases was attacked by kamikaze drones.

The images show tyres covering the centre section and wing of one of the strategic bombers. How effective this defence will be, it is still hard to say.

Last month, several sites in russia were attacked at once. Kamikaze drones destroyed four Il-76 military transport aircraft and a Tu-22M3 strategic bomber. Four Su-30 fighter jets and one MiG-29 were also damaged.

Source: @Tatarigami_UA