Su-24M frontline bomber crashed in russia during a training flight

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 12.09.2023, 23:54

The Air and Space Forces of the Russian Federation have lost another aircraft. The Su-24M front-line bomber crashed.

Here's What We Know

On September 12, 2023, Russian media wrote that the Su-24M disappeared from radar. Later, the crash was officially reported by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. The Su-24M crashed in the Volgograd region during a training flight without ammunition on board. The aircraft went down in a deserted area.

The Kalachevsky district administration said there was no damage or fatalities as a result of the crash of the front-line bomber. The crashed Su-24 was part of the 11th Aviation Regiment of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

The Su-24M is a tactical front-line bomber. Operation of the M version began 40 years ago, and in 2007 the M2 variant appeared. The aircraft is a carrier of special bomb armament, which includes two RN-28 free-fall bombs with a nuclear charge.

Source: IZ