Germany may lift embargo on supplying Saudi Arabia with European Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 03.11.2023, 16:33

Saudi Arabia may receive European Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is close to lifting the embargo.

Here's What We Know

Germany, Italy, the UK and Spain jointly produce the fourth-generation Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets. Therefore, the export of the aircraft must be approved by each country. This condition prevents Saudi Arabia from getting the Typhoon, which is why the Kingdom is looking towards the French Rafale.

Germany imposed an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia a few years ago because of the war in Yemen and the murder of a journalist. Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets also came under the ban. However, Germany may lift the embargo.

This is reported by The Times, citing sources close to the German chancellor. Olaf Scholz fears that in the case of continued sole blocking of exports, other countries in the future may refuse to participate in joint projects with Germany.

Nevertheless, a number of German politicians would be unhappy with the lifting of the veto. Another factor has been added to the ethical issue. It lies in the war between Israel and Hamas. According to the source, Germany would prefer to see Saudi Arabia act.

Source: The Time