Airlines prohibit the use of airplane flight mode: Myth or reality?

By: Nastya Bobkova | 26.02.2024, 22:19

Switching on airplane mode during a flight seems like a sensible decision, as many people believe that signals from mobile phones can interfere with the aircraft's navigation systems. However, recent research and regulatory decisions in Europe suggest that this belief may be a myth.

Here's What We Know

In 2022, Europe allowed the use of phones and data transfer during flights. This was made possible by the installation of special systems on aircraft that ensure that mobile signals do not interfere with navigation systems. At the same time, a study by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2012 found no convincing cases of mobile phone interference with aircraft operations.

The real reason why airlines continue to ask you to switch on airplane mode is to avoid "air rage", which is when passengers become stressed and conflicts can arise on board. During 2021-2023, more than 10,000 cases of out-of-control passengers were reported in the United States. Despite the fact that technological advances make it possible to safely use mobile phones in the air, the myth of the need for airplane mode remains in the public consciousness.


Image: Gizmodo