Worst start ever - Bitcoin Strategy ETF futures fund lost $1.2 billion in a year of existence

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 28.10.2022, 11:21

ProShares launched the first Bitcoin futures fund in the United States about a year ago. It was called Bitcoin Strategy ETF and started out quite successfully, but things changed very quickly.

Here's What We Know

The fund took one week for its trading volume to surpass the $1 billion mark. However, investors lost $1.2 billion in its one year of existence, one of the worst starts in the history of the exchange-traded fund segment.

Despite the strong growth of Bitcoin-ETF securities at the beginning of the project, they ended up falling in price by 70%. Approximately $1.8 billion was invested in securities under the ticker BITO. After the strong drop in value, the fund's assets are now valued at approximately $624 million.

The Bitcoin Strategy ETF is not the only proprietary equity investment fund that has lost value. Case in point is the Global X Blockchain ETF, which also has something to do with cryptocurrency. Its stock is down 76% in a year. But in terms of size, this ETF is no match for the ProShares fund, as it only had a peak value of $125 million in assets.

Source: FT