Germany prepares to ban the use of Huawei and ZTE equipment in critical infrastructure of 5G cellular networks

By: Maksim Panasovskiy | 21.09.2023, 21:53

The German Interior Ministry is preparing to ban the use of Huawei and ZTE components in the critical infrastructure of 5G cellular networks. This is reported by Bloomberg.

Here's What We Know

The office is conducting an analysis to determine the level of dependence of critical infrastructure on Chinese technology. The Home Office is in talks with other ministries. A ban on the use of Chinese components could be imposed after 2026.

The German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure has joined the talks. The ministries are to look at mobile internet speeds, availability in the country and avoiding dependence on Chinese-made components.

Huawei has already commented on the situation. The Chinese company said that the actions of the German government are discriminatory. Huawei believes that the equipment ban will slow down the growth of digitalisation in Germany and force German subscribers to pay more.

Source: Bloomberg