Apple to add 5G support to base iPad model

By: Myroslav Trinko | 18.01.2022, 12:19

According to an insider with the nickname @dylandkt, this year Apple will introduce not only the updated iPad Air, but also a new version of the basic iPad.

What we know

The device will receive the same design as the current model. Therefore, all changes will affect the filling. First of all, the new product will update the processor. We are talking about the A14 Bionic chip. In addition, the tablet will receive support for the fifth generation network (5G), Bluetooth 5.0 and Wi-Fi 6. The device will ship with a 10.2-inch screen and still have a Lightning charging port.

The novelty should be presented at the end of 2022. By the way, according to the informant, this will be the last iPad with the old design. Next year, the company plans to finally change the look of the tablet. 

Source: @dylandkt

Image: Pocket lint